Project Description

Author: et al.


This comprehensive review explores the intricate relationship between diabetes and inflammation. Diabetes, particularly type 2 diabetes, is characterized by chronic inflammation, and inflammation, in turn, exacerbates insulin resistance and diabetes-related complications. This article discusses the underlying mechanism and link between diabetes and inflammation, including the role of adipose tissue, immune responses, and inflammatory signaling pathways. Furthermore, it examines the impact of inflammation on insulin resistance, pancreatic beta cell dysfunction, and the development of complications of diabetes. Additionally, the review highlights various management strategies targeting inflammation in patients with diabetes, focusing the lifestyle modifications, dietary interventions, physical exercise, medications, and blood sugar control. By elucidating the complex interplay between diabetes and inflammation, this review aims to provide insights for clinicians, researchers, and other concerned groups towards better management and prevention of diabetes-related complications.

Keywords: Diabetes, Inflammation, Insulin Resistance, Inflammatory markers, Diabetic complications

Status: Ongoing

Full text link: Not available