Project Description
Author: Tahura et al.
Summary: Flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy has become a valuable tool for the paediatric age group to assess and manage airway diseases, thereby improving respiratory morbidities and outcomes in these children. The emergence of fiberoptic bronchoscopes with smaller calibres, especially the development of the new ultrathin bronchoscope, enabled performing bronchoscopy to the children easier and widened its area of use in the field of Neonatology with immense diagnostic and therapeutic yield as well as act as an appropriate adjuvant in the assessment of neonates with airway diseases. Until now, the FFB has not yet been found in the common practice among neonatal age groups and remains underused as narrow calibre scopes are still not widely available due to insufficient knowledge about its utility; this has increased the burden of respiratory morbidities. Experts need to be assured about the benefits over the risk of fiberoptic bronchoscopy for its generalized use in airway diseases. Thus the current review will be conducted to compile the literature published worldwide regarding the utility of flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy among neonate patients. Articles eligible for inclusion will, English-language manuscripts reporting either diagnostic, therapeutic, or adverse events related to FFB performed on neonates. Cohort, case-control, or randomized controlled trials that reported diagnostic, therapeutic, or adverse events associated with FFB will be included. No restriction on study setting. However, the published in the English language will be added here. A descriptive synthesis and summarization of all findings will be done manually. The possible theme will be used during the outline of the findings: demographic characteristics, location of the residence, clinical features, laboratory investigations, complications, and outcome of the patients, cost of the intervention.
Status: Ongoing
Full-text link: Not available